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Learn PHP 7 This Way to Rise Above & Beyond Competition!

Learn PHP 7 This Way to Rise Above & Beyond Competition! [Udemy Free Coupon - 100% Off] | Programming Buddy Club

This course is based on php manual! We cover namespaces, operators, types, variables, functions, OOP and many more! programmingBuddyClub

Discount - Free 100% Off

  • Lectures -
  • Skill Level -Beginner Level
  • Language - English
  • Published - Last updated 11/2017
  • Coupon -
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Course Includes

  • ☑️ dive into any PHP project imaginable!
  • ☑️ improve chances of passing Zend PHP Certification on covered topics up to 100% (make it inevitable!)
Take this course!

What Will I learn?

  • 📺 21.5 hours on-demand video
  • 📚 193 downloadable resources
  • 💓 Full lifetime access
  • 📱 Access on mobile and TV
  • 📋 Certificate of Completion


  • ⚓ Windows 7 is used in this course to demonstrate how to install PHP and prepare everything needed for development. If you are using different OS, you will need to install PHP on your own (note however, that installation steps to take are very similar to Windows, because software we use (XAMPP and NetBeans) is also available for Mac OS X and Linux).
  • ⚓ we do not cover JavaScript, HTML and CSS here, because it is beyond the scope of this corse, so it is good if you are familiar with at least HTML to get better understanding how PHP is applied to web development. However, most of examples of this cousrse are pure PHP (or basic HTML is used, to concentrate more on PHP concepts than HTML aspects), so you can still follow all examples without any poblems!

Who is the target audience?

  • 🙇 Autodidacts
  • 🙇 if you want to start learning PHP 7, this course is for you!
  • 🙇 if you want to significantly improve your PHP skills, this course is for you (even experienced developers will greatly benefit!).
  • 🙇 if you want to stand out from the crowd and get noticeable in any PHP team or environment, then this course is for you!
  • 🙇 if you plan to get Zend PHP Certification, this course is exactly what you need! (Zend PHP Certification preparation is one of the main goals of this course!)
  • 🙇 if you are preparing for a PHP interview, this course will help you to answer even the trickiest PHP questions!
  • 🙇 if you are just starting with PHP and is an absolute beginner in programming, this course is a great starter!
  • 🙇 if you are experienced PHP developer lacking understanding of some core PHP concepts, this course is for you.
  • 🙇 if you want to become a PHP expert, this course contains all it takes!
  • 🙇 if you want to become one of the best PHP developers on the market, this course is for you!
Take this course!

Learn PHP 7 This Way to Rise Above & Beyond Competition! Learn PHP 7 This Way to Rise Above & Beyond Competition! Reviewed by P on June 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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