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How to Automate Web App Testing using Selenium WebDriver API

How to Automate Web App Testing using Selenium WebDriver API [Udemy Free Coupon - 100% Off] | Programming Buddy Club

Create test scripts using Java and Play them programmingBuddyClub

Discount - Free 100% Off

  • Lectures - 5 lectures
  • Skill Level -Beginner Level
  • Language - English
  • Published - Last updated 2/2019
  • Coupon -
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Course Includes

  • ☑️ How to use Selenium WebDriver for UI functional testing
  • ☑️ Manual TestCase Steps
  • ☑️ Test Script Creation and Execution in Java Programming Language
  • ☑️ DOM and XPATH
  • ☑️ WebDriver Essentials
  • ☑️ Selenium Common Exceptions
  • ☑️ Setup your Eclipse project workspace
  • ☑️ Work with ID, Name, and XPath Selectors
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What Will I learn?

  • 📚 2 downloadable resources
  • 💓 Full lifetime access
  • 📱 Access on mobile and TV
  • 📋 Certificate of Completion


  • ⚓ Understanding of Java syntax
  • ⚓ Eclipse
  • ⚓ Selenium WebDriver Library

Who is the target audience?

  • 🙇 Autodidacts
  • 🙇 Manual testing professionals
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How to Automate Web App Testing using Selenium WebDriver API How to Automate Web App Testing using Selenium WebDriver API Reviewed by P on June 26, 2019 Rating: 5

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