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DevOps: Build Complete CI/CD Jenkins Pipeline With AWS| Programming Buddy Club | Free Udemy Courses

DevOps: Build Complete CI/CD Jenkins Pipeline With AWS | Programming Buddy Club | Free Udemy Courses

DevOps: Build Complete CI/CD Jenkins Pipeline With AWS| Programming Buddy Club | Free Udemy Courses


Discount - $ 149.99  FREE 100% Off

  • Lectures - 38 lectures
  • Skill Level -Beginner Level
  • Language -  English
  • Published -  Last updated 4/2020
  • Coupon -9BC066D9B0CEF3372D58
  • Instructor -
  • Rating - 3.3 (5 ratings)
  • Students Enrolled - 9,686 students enrolled
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Course Includes

  • ☑️ 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • ☑️ 3 articles
  • ☑️ 18 downloadable resources
  • ☑️ Full lifetime access
  • ☑️ Access on mobile and TV
  • ☑️ Certificate of Completion
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What Will I learn?

  • ☑️ Learn complete Jenkins CI/CD pipeline implementation an Amazon AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • ☑️ Deploy Python and PHP applications using Github using Jenkins CI/CD build automation on AWS Beanstalk
  • ☑️ Learn Github integration with Jenkins and Amazon AWS
  • ☑️ Gain solid understanding of various real world problems that AWS administrators face with Jenkins
  • ☑️ Learn to use SSH Shell and basic Linux commands
  • ☑️ Be able to fully master and integrate your application with Github, Jenkins CI, and Amazon AWS Beanstalk


  • ☑️ Must have basic understanding of AWS tools and services
  • ☑️ Actively working with AWS platform on a regular basis
  • ☑️ AWS account is required. You need a credit card, then choose FREE Tier AWS account.

Who is the target audience?

  • ☑️ Beginner level programmers and developers who want to master running Jenkins on AWS and build a complete pipeline
  • ☑️ IT beginner level students who would like to gain solid understanding of DevOps life cycle
  • ☑️ Beginner IT professionals who want to master end to end Jenkins CI on Amazon AWS
  • ☑️ Intermediate level students who want to brush up their skills and learn additional techniques
Take this course!
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DevOps: Build Complete CI/CD Jenkins Pipeline With AWS| Programming Buddy Club | Free Udemy Courses DevOps: Build Complete CI/CD Jenkins Pipeline With AWS| Programming Buddy Club | Free Udemy Courses Reviewed by P on April 24, 2020 Rating: 5

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