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C++: A complete guide to INTERMEDIATE C++

C++: A complete guide to INTERMEDIATE C++

C++: A complete guide to INTERMEDIATE C++

C++ : Comprehensive C++ ‘Mobile optimized’ video training with examples on C++

What you’ll learn

  • Understand major programming concepts
  • Understand C++ Object Orientated Features

  • C++ implementation understanding of each pattern

  • Will help you build strong basic concepts on C++
  • Will help you know the misleading concepts and how to cope up with them
  • C++ implementation understanding of each pattern
  • Understand C++ Object Oriented Features
  • A basic knowledge of C++ is required
  • A Computer and Internet connection
  • A text editor
  • A compiler
  • Focus and dedication to learn


Learn the hi-tech language of computer “ the C++ language”. This course is an intermediate level course on C++. This course explains all the concepts of C++ from introduction to functions to arrays to pointers in detail. This course offers a perfect blend of information and simplicity.

Some of the features of C++ discussed in this course are as follows:

  • Arrays
  • What are One Dimensional Arrays?
  • What are Two Dimensional Arrays?
  • Functions
  • Default Arguments
  • Constant Function
  • Call by value
  • Call by reference
  • Passing arrays to functions
  • Structures
  • Nested Structures
  • Arrays of structure
  • Arrays within structure
  • Passing structure to functions

This course helps to build amazing projects related to C++ concepts. This coourse provides

An in depth knowledge of the topics in C++. This course will surely give a kick start to your Programming Career.   Though there are many courses available but I can guarantee this is the best as it provide wide insight into the various concepts of C++.

This course targets all the beginners, intermediates and advanced level learners. This course helps in building a firm incept of C++ ,reviewing of forgotten concepts and increases programming skills and speed.

Click on BUY NOW button and crack C++.

Who is the target audience?
  • Anyone who has spent hours and hours struggling to learn C++ with other bland books and resources
  • People with the desire to learn and master the skill of programming in C++ which can lead to a wonder of opportunities
  • This course is not for complete beginners and advance programmers
  • Anyone interested in writing error free super easy codes using various features of C++
  • Ambitious Programmers facing difficulty in the programming world
  • Students willing to submit their programming projects with hi-tech approach on time

Created by TweakCoder eLearning Solutions
Last updated 5/2017
English [Auto-generated]

Size: 426.27 MB

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C++: A complete guide to INTERMEDIATE C++ C++: A complete guide to INTERMEDIATE C++ Reviewed by P on October 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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