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Modern Responsive Website with CSS3 Flexbox and ES6

Modern Responsive Website with CSS3 Flexbox and ES6

Learn how to build BEAUTIFUL responsive websites from SCRATCH using HTML5, CSS, CSS3 Flexbox and Javascript (ES6)

What you’ll learn
  • Be able to create beautiful websites from scratch
  • Make RESPONSIVE websites that look great on all screen sizes
  • Improve HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript skills
  • Make your websites stand out
  • Very basic HTML and CSS knowledge would be helpful
  • NO advanced HTML, CSS, or JS knowledge is required
  • Basic text editor of your choice


This course is a part of upcoming collection of courses called Become a Guru, which has a goals of turning students into professional developers, no matter how much of previous experience they have.
In this course:
– You will learn how to code websites from scratch
– You will learn most advanced HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript principles
– You will learn CSS3 Flexbox
– We will make our website look amazing by using Javascript for interaction
– You will learn how to turn your code into Beautiful websites
– We’ll explore free stock image websites
– We’ll be using fonts for our icons in order to make or icons more flexible
– You will learn how to find modern fonts
After this course you will have all skills you need in order to create modern website.
If you are a beginner, this course will turn you into professional.
And if you already have some coding skills, this course will make you even better developer.
Who this course is for:
  • Anyone who wants to learn how to create amazing looking websites
  • Anyone who wants to improve development skills
  • Anyone who wants to learn modern CSS3 (Flexbox) and Javascript (ES6)
Created by Vladica Lapcevic
Last updated 4/2018
English [Auto-generated]
Size: 5.55 GB

Modern Responsive Website with CSS3 Flexbox and ES6 Modern Responsive Website with CSS3 Flexbox and ES6 Reviewed by P on July 11, 2019 Rating: 5

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