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Complete Modern Amazon clone: Angular 5 and Node.js

Complete Modern Amazon clone: Angular 5 and Node.js

Use Angular 5 , Node.js , Stripe and Algolia to build a complete Amazon website!

What you’ll learn
  • Build websites and apps
  • Students will be able to build their own dream e-commerce web application and sell their favorite stuff online!
  • Should know basics of Javascript operations
  • Students should know basics of HTML and CSS
  • Students should be really passionate about building web application


Have you ever wondering on how to build your next Revolutionary Ecommerce Web application?
This course will teach you step by step on how to clone an Amazon website with the latest cutting edge technology and that is Node.js and Angular 5
You will use Javascript on both the backend and frontend of the web application.
Life is too short to depend on someone else, if you are still waiting for that one amazing technical co-founder to help you on building your web app, then I suggest you instead of waiting , its better for you to do it yourself.
Every code that will be written by me, will be explained in details. So you do not need to worry about not understanding certain algorithm.
If you are ready to embark on this journey on building an Ecommerce web application, then what are you waiting for? Lets get into it!
Who this course is for:
  • Nodejs ethusiast
  • Anyone who wants to code
  • Developer who wants to learn a new technology
Created by Arash Yahya, Adam Peterson
Last updated 2/2018
English [Auto-generated]
Size: 899.85 MB

Complete Modern Amazon clone: Angular 5 and Node.js Complete Modern Amazon clone: Angular 5 and Node.js Reviewed by P on July 08, 2019 Rating: 5

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