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21 Day Mindfulness & Meditation Course

21 Day Mindfulness & Meditation Course [Udemy Free Coupon - 100% Off] | Programming Buddy Club

Transform your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, & habits and discover the essence of your true nature through meditation programmingBuddyClub

Discount - Free 100% Off

  • Lectures - 75 lectures
  • Skill Level -Beginner Level
  • Language - English
  • Published - Last updated 6/2019
  • Coupon -
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Course Includes

  • ☑️ Set your intention for the course and to transform your life with our Gong Bath Intention Process.
  • ☑️ Learn the best posture for your own meditation practice.
  • ☑️ Learn to relax and breathe deeply with abdominal breathing to help you release stress and anxiety.
  • ☑️ Learn to access your energy body & energize yourself through lower dantien/hara breathing.
  • ☑️ Learn the basic to advanced levels of mindfulness meditation.
  • ☑️ Go deeper in meditation & open up your own intuitive insight and wisdom through the third eye meditation.
  • ☑️ Learn to heal the emotional body and bring more love and joy into your life through the heart meditation with crystal singing bowls.
  • ☑️ Use the power of one of the oldest meditations, the aum/om mantra. Learn the deep ancient techniques to use the aum mantra to make life changing transformations.
  • ☑️ Reflect deeper into your own spiritual nature through meditations on impermanence.
  • ☑️ Discover yourself through the Self Inquiry, Who am I ? Meditation technique to take you deeper in meditation to what is commonly referred to as enlightenment.
  • ☑️ Rest in your essential nature and discover the depths of yourself through this meditation.
  • ☑️ BONUS: Yoga Nidra ( Yogic Sleep) A bonus meditation to take you into a deep yogic sleep state to relax the body and enter into a conscious sleep state.
  • ☑️ BONUS: Gong Bath Sound Meditation. A bonus sound meditation. Listen to the sound gongs at any point in the program and go deeper within.
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What Will I learn?

  • 📺 7 hours on-demand video
  • 📚 20 downloadable resources
  • 💓 Full lifetime access
  • 📱 Access on mobile and TV
  • 📋 Certificate of Completion


  • ⚓ This is open to everyone, from beginners to advanced meditators. To anyone of any age, religion or race.

Who is the target audience?

  • 🙇 Do you want to learn to meditate in a systematic way? Go from foundational practices to advanced practices.
  • 🙇 Practice different meditation techniques for 21 days through guided meditations, audio narration and a ebook. To suit any learning style.
  • 🙇 Are you stuck in your meditation practice and are looking for a breakthrough? Learn many different meditations and perspectives to make life changing breakthroughs.
  • 🙇 Do you need guidance and support to help you create a strong meditation practice?
Take this course!

21 Day Mindfulness & Meditation Course 21 Day Mindfulness & Meditation Course Reviewed by P on June 24, 2019 Rating: 5

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